Bowstring Burgers and Brewyard located in downtown Wilmington NC was jamming on 05/31/24. This venue has good vibes, good lighting, great food and friendly people. The General manager Alex George took the time to personally introduce himself to our photographer and let him know if he needed anything to let him know.

The opening act was a band that Irockshots is familiar with and has photographed before. And trust me they did not disappoint. Sons of Paradise started the night out and encouraged everyone to gather in front of the stage. The show was amazing and their performance included songs like “Back Roads” and “Mamacita”. As usual they put on one hell of a concert and did not disappoint.

As if the crowd wasn't excited enough already, they sure took it up a notch when Tropidelic got on the stage. The crowd went wild and and moved in a little closer to the stage. All the way from Cleveland OH, this band gives a whole new mixture of vibes including raggae rock,hip hop and high energy funk. The energy was definitely felt with the way they owned the stage with sound and movement. It was an amazing night and we were happy to be there.

Credit to: Amy & Robert Justice

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